Here at You Fuck Buddy, we are in the business of helping our members find real and lasting connections. We hope to facilitate the connections between individuals looking both for an honest and lasting commitment and the freedom to explore their sensual sides and sexual freedoms without judgment or stigma. We know what the tedious and frustrating nature of trying to find that perfect match can sometimes bring. The process of searching through numerous dating sites for individuals who excite you or sifting through blog posts to find the information useful to you is not always the best or most enticing way to find that special person to share and have adventurous adult fun with. That is why there is an advantage to having all of these things in a central location that helps mitigate the overwhelming feeling that can come with fruitless searching.

We are proud to offer a place where you can find information and interesting articles on dating, staying safe, the LGBT community, dating as you age, how to find that special someone you’ve been looking for, and other pertinent dating advice. We aim for our content to have a breadth of topics that can relate to people of all ages. We want to promote inclusion just as much as we want to help people in their quest to find the partner who is their perfect match.

Part of this commitment to keeping the blog space able to continue forward is the advertising space that we offer. This advertising space is meant to allow companies who share some of our core values and audience demographics to be able to have a space to share their product. We hope that working together in such a manner will allow all parties to achieve and exceed their goals and ensure everyone’s success.  

Between our various marketing methods, you will be able to have your ad viewed by approximately 20,000 people monthly throughout various marketing channels, We offer sidebar advertising at the header, top, or bottom ad, as well as in post ads to suit the variable levels of exposure your product may need. We can also offer sponsored post advertising. This advertising is similar to a blog post. It gives 30 days of your headline front and center at the top of the page to showcase your offering. After 30 days the post will be archived in order to keep content fresh and engaging. Contact us for more information.